Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Baby Carrots

6" x 6" on canvas paper

This is a fast attempt at some baby carrots. It's good to be painting color. I see why people like to do fruit. You don't have to fuss with likeness and it's much easier to go with the impression. The problem with this one is that I missed the stopping point and kept going. I lost some of the freshness of color and stroke by throwing on extra paint when distracted by a phone call. A much wanted phone call, but a distraction none the less. Plus I just felt pressured to get a painting up tonight. 

Actually though I like this one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gurl...you are amazing! and your paintings are just beautiful...vibrant and full of life, color and energy! What a fabulous idea! Keep it up...it's a joy to see.
Love, Sistah Paula